Some fifteen intracellular bacteria could be identified harboring the human living cells may be for the rest of its life with all slow ongoing structural changes that end with many varieties of diseases the more importantly the chronic ones. Chemotherapy against these intracellular bacteria is ineffective and poorly understood. So eradication is practically not a fact. Over fifteen years of my work on the biological bases of diseases and as a neurosurgeon on surgical pathologies,I found that Brucella is the cause behind a wide variety of unknown etiology medical disease and also behind a wide range of surgical pathologies. At the beginning it was based on clinical trials. Treating with anti Brucella was very effective and encouraging to control that of unknown etiology and to cancel the need for surgery. But the unwanted event, is no cure !!!which means the antibiotics are of very limited capacity to eradicate chronic Brucellosis, for that you see the patient swinging between good and bad when on anti Brucella due to resistance, so we change regimens every now and then.,patientsgo to pretreatment condition when stop treatment even after months. This fact made many who diagnose brucellosis use symptomatic and palliative medical and surgical treatment. As the pathogen is still present, you see more and more medical worsening and surgical failures. I made a great personal and cooperative efforts to understand the way with which antibiotics can affect these intracellular bacteria, still many vague points made me very Illiterate in what I use to help my patients.In some situation I feel not sure, this lead me to widen the spectrum of PCR tissue biopsy screen to detect more than Brucella however the clinical outcome is in favor of it. If we skip the costly return of Tb. Brucella and other intracellular bacteria hazards are under estimated which is a real mankind danger. The pathogenesis of intracellular bacteria is very serious, simply due to their sitting inside our cells in a way we are so unaware about its nature,we are SLAVES for them. For that our pharmaceutical weapons are still need to be upgraded. Through my work analyses I concluded that the intracellularbacteria is the attractive factor to the viruses to invade our cells,where bacteria act as a natural nests for viruses. we know viruses within our cells make gene mutations forCarcinogenesis, I say bacteria within our cell act as the ''sweet which attract the ants'' the ants here is the viruses, in other words viruses could not inhabit our cells and make changes unless these intracellular bacteria are present, In nature one find many examples like monster shark accompanied with some kind of small fishes as symbiotic manner or others. For that I think it is the missed ring in the chain of cancer preventive and therapeutic researches, efforts should be re-directed towardsthis fact which also act as a key hole which open a new routes to understand and bring more favorable results in prevention and treatment of diseases. According to this vision, my definition had change to the classification of acute and chronic diseases, where I realized that, it is only chronic illnesses and the acute ones are the event built on long standing of structural alterationswithin the cell caused by these intracellular bacteria. Pharmaceuticals including herbs and Probiotics are the answer to make our cells free from intracellular bacteria, this is the doctrine in preventive and therapeutic medicine . Pharmaceuticals made a successes over the past century. today pharmacology is requested to adopt more darefullconcepts in management of thoughts and recourses to make the second derivative of the equation.