APR fosters growth in the Pharmaceutical & Lifescience community through its 100+ professional and 150+ student chapters worldwide. Chapters establish a local presence for APR in international cities from all over the world as well as in more remote locations. Regardless of size or location and category of membership, every APR chapter offers its members a wealth of benefits, including access to research opportunities and to establish a personal networking system in the region.
APR’s local chapters around the world host Guest lectures, workshops by internationally known Pharmaceutical professionals. They also sponsor seminars on the most pressing and latest issues in Pharmaceutics, conduct volunteer training workshops, and publish their own newsletters.
APR sponsors more than 100 professional chapters, which work to increase recruitment and retention of professionals in Pharmaceutical at the university level. APR chapters offer professionals activities and projects that aim to improve the working and learning environments for Professionals in the field of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology
Participation in all these chapters provides a unique combination of social interaction and professional networking among peers in their respective geographic areas. APR Chapter members reflect all facets of Pharmaceutical and Life Science from academia, research, business, and industry.
APR has established more than 150 student chapters throughout the world that give students opportunities to play active roles in the association and its activities. By organizing Guest Lectures, workshops, Pharmaceutical Camps and programming contests, APR Student Chapters facilitate communication and collaboration within a university’s Pharmaceutical and Life science community and with the Pharmaceutical community at large. Through its sponsorship of student chapters, APR also enhances learning via the exchange of ideas among students, and between students and established professionals.
APR Student chapter members can also take advantage of APR activities and services. Student chapters provide a natural setting to develop and demonstrate the leadership capabilities critical to students’ career development. APR also help students get involved in the business world with workshops, Guest Lectures, Training and development, and career building initiatives.
Joining an APR chapter conveys a profound interest and dedication to the Pharmaceutical discipline. The next step is volunteering and form committees in a variety of roles and capacities that can benefit the chapter and advance career opportunities as well.
Volunteer activities range from running for elected positions on chapter, forming committee members, Ambassadors and serving in a wide variety of planning, management, and logistical support functions at APR conferences. Members who get involved with APR are creating networking and learning opportunities that advance both organizational and personal development.