APR National Advisory Committee

APR National Advisory Committee

The National Advisory committee members assist APR in achieving and monitoring its mission and vision. The National advisory members consist of local, and national recognized leaders with demonstrated expertise in the areas of Pharmaceutical and Life Science.

National Advisory board members plays an important role in the smooth and successful conduction of the conference, scientific events and meetings. They are uniquely influential group in the academic fraternity. National Advisory Committee members are pioneers in advancement in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology and also they are the key role promoting the conference and events among their networks.

They bring good quality research papers to our conference and scientific events and encourage and support the exploration in Pharmaceutical and Life Science.


Program Creation and Planning: Program Committee members can provide advice concerning the design and plans for the program / conference

Planning and Implementing Public Relations: An advisory committee which includes influential community leaders can be effective at spreading the word about program services.

Funding Leadership: Often advisory committees are created specifically to raise program funds.

Subcommittees : The advisory committee may develop subcommittees which have assigned tasks in specific areas.