
12th World Pharma Conference

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Authors are instructed to follow the below guidelines for submission of the abstract.

  • The original work should be described in the abstract.
  • Should be written in English.
  • Abstracts that are both informative and essential are accepted.
  • It should be one paragraph with a word limit of 200-250.
  • Please provide a slight biography with your abstract (An example is given in the template).
  • The abstract should be submitted in the format of an MS Word (.doc or .docx) document.
  • After you've finished preparing your abstract according to the above instructions, Submit your Abstract Here
  • After submission, you will be acknowledged of the receipt of the abstract via email within three working days.
  • The Title, Author's Names, and Affiliations should be centred. Please underline the presenting author.

Process of Evaluation

Within two to three days of receipt, your abstract will be subjected to a double-blind peer .

Within two to 4 days of submission, the author will receive the results of the abstract review.

If there is a need for a change, the amended abstract must be returned within a week.

You will receive rejections of your manuscript along with reviewer to help you improve your study.

Full Paper Submission Guidelines

  • You are encouraged to submit full papers if your abstract is accepted and you have paid the registration cost for the 12th World Pharma Conference
  • Total number of pages must be 6-8 in double-column format.
  • The manuscript should be in English and checked for grammar and language errors.
  • Tables, figures, and images should be properly named and of good quality.
  • Keywords should be written in lowercase letters (Not applicable to names/scientific names) and should be separated with commas.
  • Names of affiliations should be given including the country.
  • Background, Motivation and Objective.
  • Statement of Contribution/Methods.
  • Results, Discussions, and Conclusions.
  • After you've finished preparing your full paper according to the above instructions.

Featured Speakers

"Engage with thought-provoking viewpoints our distinguished speakers."

Dr.Palanirajan Vijayaraj Kumar,
Dr.Mohamed Sharaf,
Dubai, UAE

Journal & Publication

"Explore the latest research and insights in our distinguished journal"


Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science

ISSN : 2583-1968

Colombian Journal of Chemical-Pharmaceutical Sciences

ISSN : 0034-7418

Featured Abstract

"Recognized as the Best Oral and Poster Presentations during the “12th World Pharma Conference"

Niosomes: An Engineered Technology for Targeted Drug Delivery
Molecular Screening of Aconitum Heterophyllum Identifies Potential Inhibitors of Typhoid Fever - Target

“Empowering businesses through strategic trade alliances and dynamic sponsorship opportunities, fostering connections and fuelling exponential growth."

Join Us Partnership & Collaboration

"Join forces for success: Partner with us for collaborative opportunities that drive innovation and growth."

Awards & Recognition

"Celebrating Excellence: Honoring Achievements, Inspiring Success."

Women Excellence Award
Best Paper Awards
Best Poster Awards
Best Researcher Awards
Innovation Awards


"Unite for innovation: Collaboration, where opportunity fuels growth."